[python-nl] Webservices question

Sylvain Viollon sylvain at infrae.com
Mon May 13 11:03:22 CEST 2013

Op 22 apr 2013, om 17:27 heeft Nicolaas Heyning | L1NDA.nl het volgende geschreven:

> For hosting the webservice we use Soaplib.
> Takes some figuring out how to set it up, but it works fine. Has automatic
> WSDL generation.

  I use SUDS and soaplib too, they work fine and respect the standard. The other
I tested didn't respect the standard at all.



Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands

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