[python-nl] PWAWID - Python Web Application, Web and Interaction Design

Douwe van der Meij vandermeij at goldmund-wyldebeast-wunderliebe.com
Fri Apr 3 11:12:38 CEST 2015

P.S. There is still room for speakers!

So if you have some interesting things to share, regarding the topic,
please let us know!
There will be two 30-minutes slots and an couple of lightning talks (about
5 mins. each).

Best regards,
Douwe van der Meij and Pawel Lewicki.

*Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe*

+31 (0)20 7850 383 (Amsterdam)
+31 (0)50 7001 929 (Groningen)
www : www.gw20e.com
mail : info at gw20e.com
twitter : @gw20e <http://twitter.com/gw20e>

2015-04-02 13:31 GMT+02:00 Pawel Lewicki <
lewicki at goldmund-wyldebeast-wunderliebe.com>:

> Hi all,
> Maybe anyone would be interested in the meetup I organize.
> http://www.meetup.com/Amsterdam-Python-Meetup-Group/events/221438829/
> PWAWID - Python Web Application, Web and Interaction Design
> We would like to share our experience in cooperation of developers with
> people responsible for design and interaction design. We would be happy
> to hear about your experience and tools you're using to improve such
> process. We want to focus on Python web-related frameworks like Django
> or Plone, but we're open to hear about related areas, especially if
> Python is involved.
> Pawel
> --
> Pawel Lewicki
> Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe
> +31 (0)50 7001 929 (Groningen)
> +31 (0)20 7850 383 (Amsterdam)
> www : http://www.gw20e.com/
> mail: info at gw20e.com
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