[Python-porting] Port of psycopg2

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 22:45:54 CET 2008

Brett Cannon wrote:
> Well, there are two things that require porting: Python and extension
> modules. So that is a high-level point of separation. From there we
> can list the various steps that are needed (i.e. port to 2.6 with no
> warnings, run with -3, add any __future__ statements you want, run
> 2to3, test). The trick is where to put little tips like making sure
> you clearly separate your string code from your bytes code.

Although the official line is to port to 2.6 first, it will be 
interesting to know how many people who are hanging out here care about 
earlier versions too?  ie, while many *application* authors can easily 
choose to target a specific version, *library* authors may not be so lucky.

Is there anyone else here for whom the step of "port to python 2.6" is a 


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