From bcannon at  Fri Nov 21 21:08:24 2014
From: bcannon at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:08:24 +0000
Subject: [Python-porting] Rewrite of official porting HOWTO
Message-ID: <>

Since about August I have been working to strengthen the tooling around
supporting source-compatible Python 2/3 projects. This has culminated in
rewriting the official porting HOWTO to espouse this approach.

I have created with the patch for the
changes. It includes a link to a GitHub gist so you can read the rendered
reST instead of a massive diff. If anyone has any comments or corrections
before I submit this to the Python 2.7, Python 3.4, and Python 3.5 docs
then please do so (I plan to commit in a week on Friday, Nov 28).
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From mcooper at  Fri Nov 14 07:13:50 2014
From: mcooper at (Michael Cooper)
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 06:13:50 -0000
Subject: [Python-porting] Using speechd
Message-ID: <AF85FA4068DAC742BDD67ACA4569821B2FF80349@S11ASHDAG001N3.sh11.lan>

I am using Python 3.4.1 with Idle 3.4.1.  speechd seems to have disappeared.  Found solutions to a similar issue on google, but solution does not work for me.  When I reference speech I get an error indicating the module does not exist.  Is that a transition issue from 2 to 3?  Cannot find others with a similar issue, except the one - the suggested solution was he upgrade to Idle3, which worked for him, but not me.  Any help or direction?


Michael Cooper
[cid:image001.png at 01CFA0DC.ED484720]
+1 480 924 1220  O.
+1 602 510 6633  M.
mcooper at<mailto:mcooper at>

We recruit leaders for organizations that feed the world and keep it healthy.

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