[Python-porting] documentation bug

Nick Jacobson nicksjacobson at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 22 02:36:16 CEST 2014

At http://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html#iterating-through-dict-keys-values-items

It states:

# Python 2 and 3: option 2 from builtins import iteritems

but should be:

# Python 2 and 3: option 2 from future.utilsimportiteritems

...and in fact, help(iteritems) returns:

iteritems(obj, **kwargs)
    Use this only if compatibility with Python versions before 2.7 is
    required. Otherwise, prefer viewitems().

So perhaps it should be:

# Python 2.7+ and 3: option 2 from future.utilsimportviewitems

and the example updated to reflect this.

The above applies to itervalues as well.

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