[Python-porting] futurize double testing ? nta

Dan MacNeil dan at omacneil.org
Sun Aug 4 19:17:15 EDT 2019

Absent unit tests, does using Futurize to require twice as much manual
testing (tests for both p2 and p3) as just converting to python 3 ?

How much kruft does Futurize leave in the python3 code , once you no longer
need python2 compatibility ?

Is Futurize as likely to generate "wrong" python2 code as 2to3 is to
generate "wrong" python 3 code?  (I am grateful for 2to3 , but it is only a
"mostly" solution.)


We're working on porting about 700 python files, most of which are plugins
for an internal application.

We've got the main part of the application (43 files) mostly ported to
python 3 via with 2to3 and various manual changes.

Our original thought  was to run futurize on the approximately 650 module
files maintained by people outside our group. In theory:

(1) They could test and then do their development work on the ported code
on our existing python2 application for a couple months and be ready for
our python 3 cut-over without too much trouble.

(2) We wouldn't have the danger of cutting everything over to python 3 all
at once.

Based on recent experience with 2to3 , I'm now guessing that getting things
to work on python2 in future mode is going to require roughly the same
amount of work as getting it to work in python 3 and instead of cutting
massive  changes over in the python3 change we'll do that in an earlier
python 2 change.

Thoughts ?
cell: 978-455-1885
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