[python-uk] Conference marketing

John Precedo python-uk@python.org
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 15:45:45 -0000

Ok, this is a summary of some marketing type stuff we've done for the
conference in the last few days:

We've put up a Wiki to support the conference
(http://server.reportlab.com/accu-2003/moin.cgi/) and announcements went out
to c.l.p, the europython mailing lists about this (and this list), as well
as about the 'getting to the conference on a budget' posting.

I also made sure that both the main site and the Wiki were registered with
google, Alta Vista, Lycos etc. Oh, and I emailed
daily@pythonware.com to try and get a mention on the Daily Python URL.

Since I wasn't sure what else we could do to publicise the conference, I
asked on the marketing-python list about where to market a Python

They have suggested the following:
* Zope lists - post to zope-announce, at least.
* Slashdot
* linuxpr.com
* emailing an announcement to Stephan Deibel [sdeibel@wingide.com]:
  > If you email me an announcement appropriate for release to the press, I
  > can send it out to I mailing list that I maintain.  It's mostly US press
  > people, but it's still worth doing as it at least represents more
  > instances of the word "Python" popping up for the media to see.

Does anyone want to take over any of these, or should I go ahead and do it

If it's the second one, does anyone have a pointer to the full announcement
that went out to c.l.p etc. I tried googling for it, but couldn't find it.
This way I could add a link to the Wiki to the end and send it off.

Also, has anyone written an actual 'Press Release' that could be forwarded
to Stephan, or would it just be another version of the announcement?

John Precedo  (johnp@reportlab.com)    Developer
Reportlab Europe Ltd  (http://www.reportlab.com)