[python-uk] Web Development with Python

Simon Faulkner simon at titanic.co.uk
Wed Dec 14 08:41:15 CET 2005

I often have to write small web databases - nothing too fancy, just a 
table or 2 and a few forms/reports.  Sometimes it's just a web frontend 
to a program othertimes more like a database for tracking items.

I have used Python and MySQL in CGI but it seems quite long winded.

I have used Zope/Plone but it is quite a heavyweight solution for a 
small app and quite slow unless you do a lot of caching.

I have looked at Ruby/Rails but it seems a shame to loose what 
experience I have in Python by switching to a new language.

Does anyone have any experience in this field and/or can suggest what I 
might try or look at to continue developing in Python?



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