[python-uk] Open Space: TurboGears

Chris Miles miles.chris at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 11:55:16 CEST 2007

On the topic of Open Space, if anyone at the conference is interested  
in discussing or hacking on TurboGears or TurboGears-related  
projects, I'd be happy to help drive an Open Space (I assume that's  
what they're for).

I work with (some more than others) TurboGears/SQLAlchemy/Elxir/ 
Genshi and can talk about or help with any of them, or even TG2 or  
Pylons if you like (neither of which I've used in anger yet, but am  
looking for an excuse to fiddle with).

There's plenty of Django representation at the conference, which is  
great, so I thought I'd throw out a rope to any TurboGears fans.


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