[python-uk] Next Cambridge & East Anglia Meetings: Tue 7th April 2009

John Pinner funthyme at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 23:33:02 CET 2009

Thanks Tony!


2009/3/25 Tony Ibbs <tibs at tibsnjoan.co.uk>:
> As sent to the CamPUG Google Group:
> The next meeting will be Tuesday 7th April 2009, 8pm at the Carlton Arms
> The meetings thereafter will be:
> * Tuesday 5th May, talks and suchlike
> * Tuesday 2nd June, pub meeting
> Any volunteers for talks in June would be very welcome - as normal, please
> contact the CamPUG list or myself.
> Remember that EuroPython 2009 will be in Birmingham, with the main event
> being Tuesday 30th June through Thursday 2nd July. See
> http://www.europython.eu/ for more details.
> The CamPUG meeting after that, Tuesday 7th July, will thus also be a pub
> meeting (since I'm assuming we'll all still be recovering - you are
> intending to go, aren't you?).
> Tibs
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