[python-uk] Announcing the next London Python Code Dojo

Tom Viner tom at viner.tv
Fri Jul 6 12:34:55 CEST 2012

Hi Folks,

As you may have noticed, The London Python Code Dojo didn't take place
this week due to EuroPython, so this month's dojo is: Thursday 12th July
from 6:30pm. We'll be meeting back at our usual location: at the offices of
Fry-IT and will start with an hour of pizza, beer and general socialising
(thanks Fry-IT). Coding to follow with an opportunity to win a special prize...

For the winner of the “names in a hat” tombola: a copy of Python in a Nutshell,
kindly supplied by O’Reilly and signed by both the author Alex Martelli and
the BDFL himself Guido van Rossum!

Sign up here:


30 tickets waiting to be snapped up (and they usually are). Do let me
know if you can't come after booking by the way.

See you there,

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