[python-uk] West Yorkshire Python User Group Meeting - Thurs. 14 June - Leeds

Peter Russell qwertyface at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 15:56:27 CEST 2012

Sorry this is so late.

== West Yorkshire Python User Group Meeting - Thurs. 14 June ==

= Talk: Go From a Python Programmer's Perspective =

Go is a new language with a long pedigree. It was designed at Google
by Rob Pike (one of the designers of Unix) and Ken Thomson (one of the
designers of C). Go seems to be gaining traction as an environment for
developing simple, efficient applications.

Matt Goodall (@atomatt) will be introducing us to Go; showing us some
of the key aspects of the language and the runtime's concurrency
primitives by building a simple server application.

= Date and Time =

Thursday 14 May, talk from 7:30pm.

If you want to arrive before the talk, the venue will be open from
about 6.30. We will be finished by 9, and we will be going to the pub

= Location =

Old Broadcasting House
148 Woodhouse Lane

We will be holding the talk in the boardroom at the back of the ground
floor of the building. If you arrive late we may not hear the
doorbell, so please phone Peter on 07763 570 860.

= About the Group =

The West Yorkshire Python User Group (WYPy) have been meeting monthly
since 2007. Our meetings are free, and usually include at least one
talk, as well as a trip to the pub.

Our website is at http://wypy.org.uk . We discuss our meetings on the
Python Yorkshire and Humberside Google Group
http://groups.google.com/group/python-yorks-humber/ and you can also
follow us on Twitter at @WYPython.

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