[python-uk] Suggestions / best practices for deployment

Julius Šėporaitis julius at yplanapp.com
Thu May 16 18:26:41 CEST 2013

I would like to second to Andy Robinson here - try to use less new sexy
tools and try to use an existing infrastructure.

For example, how we build & deploy web services*** at YPlan:

1. A bash script is executed (by Jenkins) on a build machine, which
generates an rpm package with [virtualenv + code] embedded and uploads that
rpm file to a private S3 bucket (rpm repository).
2. Deployment boils down to having an on-boot hook, that does "yum install
<package name and version>" (obviously the server has to be
prepared/preconfigured to expose the new service via nginx or Apache).

*** background jobs involve a little different approach.

The best bit is that if you are on AWS you can write a CloudFormation
script, that says "launch autoscaling group, with instances having launch
configuration X and attach them to load balancer Y". This perfectly
exploits couple of AWS services:

1. S3 for highly available and secure package storage servers (from top of
my head - S3 provides 5 nines of availability and an ability for very
granular access policy).
2. With CloudFormation you can have your server configuration in version
control (that's always a good thing).
3. You are using EC2 as a utility (servers are "recycled" with each
4. You can always roll back quickly (keep an old version running for a
5. You can always recreate any production environment from the past
(checkout a tag and upload that cloudformation script).

Of course, this will not/does not work for everyone, but it worked for us
and I find this set-up very easy to manage while exploiting some of
pre-existing tools and infrastructure to our advantage.

As a reference/reading material about deployment pipeline best practices I
can recommend: "Continuous Delivery" (
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321601912) from ThoughtWorks guys - it is
big, sometimes repetitive, but it is good reference material.

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Andy Robinson <andy at reportlab.com> wrote:

> Speaking as a relatively obsolete dinosaur, I would suggest that if
> you are going to discuss specific deployment practices, you start with
> the most fundamental ones:  SSH, the unix shell and so on.
> We have had issues over the years with people coming in and
> introducing sexy new deployment tools, but ultimately they all just
> run unix commands.  Anyone managing a web application in the
> non-microsoft world is ultimately depending on this.  Some key skills
> (assuming a Linux/Mac/Unix-ish environment):
> - know about SSH keys and logging into remote machines
> - know the basics of at least one command line editor (e.g. vi)
> - basic shell knowledge:  environment variables, testing for existence
> of files and directories etc
> - how to interact with your database from the command line, if you use
> one (including dump and restore)
> - how your web server works: starting, stopping, configuration files,
> where log files live and how it talks to Python
> Fabric may be useful if you want to control half a dozen machines from
> your desktop, and it might add a lot of value if you want to control a
> hundred of them.  But to update one server, you deploy by logging into
> it and then running commands or short scripts.
> For example, we have a 'demo site' we rebuild pretty often that uses
> Django, MYSQL, Celery and a few other things.  It runs on plain
> vanilla Ubuntu machines we build ourselves.  The sequence is...
> 1. Log in via SSH
> 2. CD to correct directory
> 3. activate virtual environment
> 4. stop any celery worker processes
> 5. stop web server processes (* in our setup, we leave Apache running)
> 6. pull latest code from mercurial - both the app, and 3-4 libraries
> it depends on
> 7. run a management command to rebuild the database
> 8. run a smallish in-place test suite
> 9. restart celery workers
> 10.restart web server
> 11. log out
> All of this after the login and CD can be handled by a shell script on
> the path of the server, so you can just run a command called something
> like
>   ./update_server
> More realistically, we tend to end up with a management shell script
> called 'server' with a bunch of commands/arguments like 'stop / start
> / restart / update-code-in-staging / copy-live-data-to-staging /
> run-health-checks / swap-live-and-staging' and so on.  SSH can execute
> remote commands like this just fine with the right arguments, if
> actually logging in is too tedious.
> Production sites are complex and all different.  You might want to do
> instantaneous swaps from live to staging (and be able to back out fast
> if stuff goes wrong); to switch DNS so the world is looking at another
> server while you update one; you might have large databases to copy or
> migrate that need significant time; it may or may not be acceptable to
> lose sessions and have downtime; and so on.
> It takes less time to learn the fundamentals than you will spend
> debugging why your fancy new deployment tool stopped working after
> some Python dependency upgrade somewhere.   And it is less likely that
> your new hires will disagree if you stick with the lowest common
> denominator.
> If you already know the fundamentals and make an informed decision to
> use a popular deployment tool, that's fine.  Just take the time to
> write down why you use it in your docs so people will know if its no
> longer appropriate one day.
> ---
> So, my 2p worth is that in the book you might want to show a
> Linux/Apache setup, discuss what kind of scripts ought to exist on the
> box for managing it, discuss concerns you MIGHT need to address during
> deployment, and tell people to automate it.   Then point out that
> there are many popular higher-level tools.
> - Andy
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Julius Seporaitis | Senior Software Engineer, YPlan
m: +44 7593 678 871

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