[python-uk] TDD stuff in London, next two weeks (and list comprehension scoping)

Harry Percival harry.percival at gmail.com
Fri May 30 16:01:01 CEST 2014

Hi Uk-Pythoneers!

*(with apologies to the wise ones amongst us who have chosen to live well
away from the Big Smoke)*

I'm involved in a couple of Python/TDD things in the next couple of weeks,
both free to attend:

Outside-In TDD and Test Isolation:
(all about testing, isolation, mocking, and the pains thereof... it may to
provide some insight into the #TDDisDead / DHH controversy, if you've been
following that)

Introduction to TDD workshop with Andrea Crotti:
(a gentle introduction to TDD with Django, for anyone that can't make it to
EuroPython this year)

Hope they're of interest!


PS Can I have a little moan about generator / list comprehension scoping in
Python 3?  I just ran into this:
-- so now I can't use variables from the enclosing scope inside my
comprehensions?  that sucks!  Doesn't it?

Harry J.W. Percival
Twitter: @hjwp
Mobile:  +44 (0) 78877 02511
Skype:         harry.percival
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