[python-uk] London Python Project Nights S00 E02

Simon Watson simon at swat.me.uk
Tue Jul 14 20:07:24 CEST 2015

Am coming along tomorrow - is there anything I should bring? (Have a laptop
with Python but wondered if there is anything else in can do to get up to


On Tue, 14 Jul 2015 at 16:01, Alistair Broomhead <
alistair.broomhead at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all, just to bump this - there are still a small number of tickets
> available for tomorrow's event at Skimlinks
> <https://plus.google.com/104262607986896422909/about?hl=en> - I know what
> some of you might be wondering: "Why would I go to yet another Tech meetup
> in Shoreditch?"
> Well this one's different - it's not another meetup where there's a
> handful of 'rockstar' developers and loads of recruiters, project managers,
> and other non-technical staff trying to catch the latest hot buzzwords to
> put on their blog posts and job specs.
> This is a meetup that's all about code - we don't care what your level of
> experience is, we just want people who are passionate to turn up, write
> code together, and share their ideas. We've had a couple of sessions
> already and each has left meaningful contributions to open source projects.
> Hopefully this sounds like something that some of you would like to take
> part in, in which case I'll see you tomorrow, and if not, I apologise for
> the extra spam in your inbox ;)
> Al
> https://london-python-project-nights.eventwax.com/london-python-project-nights-s00-e01-2
> On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 at 15:08 Alistair Broomhead <
> alistair.broomhead at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Everybody!
>> I'd like to invite everyone to the third meeting of London Python Project
>> Nights - there will be a break after this before we come back for Season
>> 01. Tickets can be found at
>> https://london-python-project-nights.eventwax.com/london-python-project-nights-s00-e01-2
>> .
>> At the last couple we've had some interesting work done on Pygame Zero
>> <https://pygame-zero.readthedocs.org/en/latest/> and romaine
>> <https://github.com/london-python-project-nights/romaine> - we've also
>> had some people working on their own, writing code or blogs, and making use
>> of the relaxed collaborative environment to share and explore their ideas.
>> As said previously this is an informal event. The format is likely to be
>> much the same as the last - people turn up between 18:30 and 19:00, feel
>> free to bring your own food, or order some in when you get there - if
>> you're working on something at the moment bring it along, work on it, and
>> share ideas and problems with others - if you're not working on anything,
>> just bring yourself and maybe a laptop, and get stuck in on someone else's
>> project. See here for a map of nearby transport links and food
>> <https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zs4gRFoXWtck.k9vlsDLKufdg&usp=sharing>
>> ,
>> I hope to see some of you there!
>> Al
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