[python-uk] RaspberryPi related request for help

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Mar 24 18:04:49 CET 2015


The RaspberryPi Education team (i.e. Carrie Anne - cc'd) is having a
problem getting a Python 3 version of smbus to work. The following links
pretty much sum up the problem.


Put simply, does anyone have the time and knowledge to create a
python3-smbus package for Raspbian using the instructions/details above?
As I can tell, it's a case of following the instructions above to apply
the patch and repackaging it. A good outcome would be a
python3-smbus.deb package. I'm crazy busy at the moment but might try
fixing this next week if you don't manage it first.

You may be asking yourself, "Why should I?" Well, I'm glad you asked: a
*huge* number of children (think several million) and the education team
(around 4) would benefit from this work.

Put simply, you'll be making a huge difference.

Here's hoping you can help.



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