[python-uk] Nominate someone for the John Pinner awards.

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Sep 11 05:02:13 EDT 2017

Hi Russel, Hello Everyone,

That's very kind of you. However, I've just posted the following article
on my personal blog that explains why Peter and I shouldn't be nominated
(as well as why the award was created):


It boils down to this: the John Pinner award is for the unsung heroes.
People like me and Peter already get recognition in the community (for
example, I've already been given the PSF's community service award) and
so many people don't get the thanks they deserve. This award is for them.

I hope this makes sense! As always, I'm more than happy to answer any



On 10/09/17 09:22, Russel Winder wrote:
> I propose that for once and once only, the rules of the John Pinner
> award are ignored (that the returning officers are not eligible), and
> that Nicholas Tollervey and Peter Inglesby be jointly awarded this
> first John Pinner award.
>> I'd like to bring your attention to the inaugural John Pinner awards
>> for
>> community service.
>> If you're in the UK and/or know people in the UK who contribute to
>> the
>> UK's Python community, please nominate them for a John Pinner
>> Community
>> Award.
>> The press release is here:
>> http://uk.python.org/news/2017/09/08/john-pinner-award/
>> The full explanation and (easy to fill in) nomination form is here:
>> http://2017.pyconuk.org/pinner-award/
>> It is VERY IMPORTANT that we recognise the contributions of the
>> volunteers who help make our community the thriving, welcoming,
>> diverse
>> and interesting place that it is.
>> Get nominating!
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