[python-uk] PyCon Namibia - and funds to attend

Daniele Procida daniele at vurt.org
Mon Jan 8 06:59:10 EST 2018

Dear Pythonistas in the UK,

The fourth PyCon Nambibia takes place next month: <http://na.pycon.org>.

If you've ever wondered what it might be like to attend an African PyCon - well, here's a chance.

Previous editions of PyCon Namibia have been attended by quite a number of visitors from the UK (as well as Europe, USA, Canada). This year, there'll be at least four people travelling from the UK to take part (including me, I wouldn't miss it for anything).

It's highly recommended! Here's a rundown of last year's event: <https://na.pycon.org/en/pycon-namibia-2017/> 

The PyCon Society/UK Python Association is offering funds to help travellers this year. The travel grants are open to anyone who is involved in Python in the UK - if you're reading this, it almost certainly includes you.

How to apply:

* drop a line to <trustees at uk.python.org>, introducing yourself, before the 15th January 2018
* give us an idea of what you intend to bring to the Namibian Python community, and what you think you'll be able to bring back
* tell us how much you will need to make it possible for you to attend

You don't need to be a pillar of the community or a Python expert to be considered. However, it's important to have an idea of why you're going. 

The funds are intended to enrich both the Namibian and UK Python communities through your participation.

Funds are limited of course, but as a guide, something between £500 and £1000 could be considered reasonable. The airfare to Windhoek from the UK is generally around £660. Accommodation in Namibia is inexpensive (ask me for details if you need help planning). See also <https://na.pycon.org/en/accommodation/>.



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