[python-uk] London Dojo next Tuesday 19th

SW walker_s at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Mar 15 11:41:09 EDT 2024

Seconded- one of my longest running and most enjoyed diversions while I 
lived in London, and well worth going for anyone on the fence- 
experienced or otherwise!


On 13/03/2024 20:55, a.grandi at gmail.com wrote:
> Replying shamelessly off topic just to say that after 5 years I still 
> miss you folks 🥹
> Have a great time!
> Andrea Grandi - Software Engineer
> Website: https://www.andreagrandi.it
> GitHub: https://github.com/andreagrandi
> Il giorno mer 13 mar 2024 alle 16:00 Tom Viner <tom at viner.tv> ha scritto:
>     Hi folks,
>     [I'm so happy people still read the ol' python-uk mailing list! :-D ]
>     The London Code Dojo is back, at Octopus Energy
>     <https://octopus.energy/> next Tuesday 19th.
>     We'll have pizza, drinks and some fun group coding. All abilities
>     welcome.
>     There'll also be the prize draw for a random O'Reilly Python book
>     as usual.
>     *6:30pm Tuesday 19th March 2024*
>     Get your tickets while they're hot:
>     https://www.meetup.com/london-python-code-dojo/events/299769632/
>     If you need any more information, contact the team via Twitter:
>     @ldnpydojo <https://twitter.com/ldnpydojo> or team at ldnpydojo.org.uk
>     *We're always looking for venues to host the Dojo. Do get in touch.*
>     Look forward to seeing you next Tuesday!
>     Tom
>     @tomviner <https://twitter.com/tomviner>
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