[python-win32] Python COM problem with IE
Jorgensen, Jens
Thu, 12 Apr 2001 12:12:25 -0500
This is curious indeed. I tried doing a makepy.py on the type library and using that but going that route I couldn't even get it to call events period. I'm sure there must be a way and I thought this might be the better route but I just couldn't get any events to be called. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, I just guessed after poring over the COM python modules. Here's what I tried (IE is the module I generated with makepy):
from win32com.client import DispatchWithEvents
import IE
import pythoncom
class IEEvents(IE.DWebBrowserEvents2): #
def OnBeforeNavigate2(self, pDisp=pythoncom.Missing, URL=pythoncom.Missing, Flags=pythoncom.Missing, TargetFrameName=pythoncom.Missing, PostData=pythoncom.Missing, Headers=pythoncom.Missing, Cancel=pythoncom.Missing) :
# def OnBeforeNavigate2(self, disp, url, *args):
print repr(URL)
if URL != "about:blank" :
return 1
else :
return 0
class MyIE(IE.InternetExplorer) :
def __init__(self) :
print 'coclass_interfaces', repr(self.coclass_sources)
coclass_sources = [IE.DWebBrowserEvents, IEEvents ]
default_source = IEEvents
ie = MyIE()
#ie = DispatchWithEvents("InternetExplorer.Application", IEEvents)
ie.Visible = 1
Scott Yang wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to implement a GUI application using IE as an
> ActiveX control. I need to manipulate the content of the browser
> depending on the URL. I implemented a class that handles the events
> as DWebBrowserEvents2, and Python crashes everytime when I return
> "Cancel" to be true in BeforeNavigate2 (it is a ByRef value). I can
> re-produce that when I use IE as an ActiveX control or as an automation
> object.
> For example, the following code will crash python when you try to go
> to any link. We tried similar code on both Perl and Delphi, and both
> of them work fine.
> Any ideas?
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> from win32com.client import DispatchWithEventsNimport pythoncom
> class IEEvents:
> def OnBeforeNavigate2(self, disp, url, *args):
> return url != u"about:blank"
> ie = DispatchWithEvents("InternetExplorer.Application", IEEvents)
> ie.Visible = 1
> ie.Navigate2("about:blank")
> pythoncom.PumpMessages()
> --
> Scott Yang <syang@xplantechnology.com> Xplan Technology Pty Ltd
> Exchange Square, 10 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000
> P +61 2 8220 8116 F +61 2 8220 8117
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Jens B. Jorgensen