[python-win32] PythonWin, PIL, hDIB

Alex Rodioukov simuran@shaw.ca
03 Dec 2001 19:58:23 -0700

Mark Hammond <MarkH@ActiveState.com> writes:

> You could look at the Pythonwin pywin\demo\dibdemo.py file - not exactly
> what you are after, but may be a good start.
> Mark.

Mark, thanks for your input. I wish it was that easy...

>>> import win32ui
>>> dib = win32ui.CreateDIBitmap()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'win32ui' module has no attribute 'CreateDIBitmap'

That's with ActivePython 2.1.1 Build 212. Is there any other way to
create DIB with PythonWin? Can PyBitmap be used for that purpose?


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