[python-win32] problems in returning parameters using a COM client
George Vestergom
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 13:23:37 -0500
Here's my problem:
I'm writing routines to access the methods found in CorelDraw 6. I've
used the MakePy utility to provide early-bound automation. Everything
works fine, except I can't return values from certain methods.
For example, one CorelDraw method returns 2 Long values:
.GetPosition lngXPos, lngYPos
where lngXPos and lngYPos are the x and y position of the currently
selected object.
Using Python 2.2 and win32all build 148:
>>> from win32com.client import Dispatch
>>> cd = Dispatch('CorelDraw.automation.6')
>>> cd.Filenew()
>>> cd.SetVisible(CDTrue)
>>> ## everything ok here, CorelDraw starts up and a new drawing surface
>>> ## is made visible.
>>> ## now draw a rectangle using the following method:
>>> ## .CreateRectangle lngTop, lngLeft, lngBottom, lngRight, 0
>>> ### (numbers are in CorelDraw units: tenths of a micron)
>>> cd.CreateRectangle( 1500000, -1200000, 750000, -500000, 0)
>>> ## a rectangle is drawn and becomes the current selected object.
>>> ## now retrieve the current position of the rectangle:
>>> x, y = cd.GetPosition() # it should return x = -1200000, y = 1500000
>>> ## the following error is printed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in ?
File "<COMObject CorelDraw.automation.6>", line 2, in
com_error: (-2147352561, 'Parameter not optional.', None,
The following also do not work:
>>> (x, y) = cd.GetPosition()
>>> cd.GetPosition()
>>> print cd.GetPosition()
Here's an example using Excel 2000 VBA which works fine since the return
variables must be defined:
Public Sub CorelDraw()
Dim lngXPos As Long
Dim lngYPos As Long
' create an automation object
Set cd = CreateObject("CorelDraw.Automation.6")
' create a rectangle and return current x, y position
With cd
.SetVisible -1
.CreateRectangle 1500000, -1200000, 750000, -500000, 0
.GetPosition lngXPos, lngYPos
Debug.Print lngXPos, lngYPos
End With
Set cd = Nothing
End Sub
My question is this:
Is it possible to retrieve these values in another way, maybe using
PyIDispatch.InvokeTypes()? I can't see anything mentionned in Hammond's
& Robinson's "Python Programming on Win32" to resolve this problem.
Here's the MakePy entry for this method:
def GetPosition(self, XPos=defaultNamedNotOptArg,
return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(0x11, LCID, 1, (11,0),((16387,
0), (16387, 0)),XPos, YPos)
One idea I have in mind is to create an COM object from Excel and have
python call a method in Excel which calls the GetPosition method in
CorelDraw and stores the results on a worksheet. Python can then
retrieve the values from this sheet.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
George Vestergom