[python-win32] (10093, 'Successful WSAStartup() not yet performed')

Jens B. Jorgensen jens.jorgensen@tallan.com
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 13:21:53 -0600

The Windows Sockets library has to be initialized (via a call to 
WSAStartup) before other socket calls may be made. This should be 
happening automatically though in a python program (I use sockets in 
many python scripts and have never explicitly called this). If the error 
happens on accept that's pretty weird since that implies that you've 
made other sockets calls previous to this and they obviously didn't 
error. I wonder if there's some way WSACleanup could've been called 
right before this. In what context does this thing get called? Is this 
in some regular python program or is it from ActiveScripting or anything 
like that? I'm just trying to think of some way WSACleanup might've been 
called prematurely.

Jim Vickroy wrote:

>Does anyone know what this message means and/or what the cause might be?
>It is being generated in a socket-based application (that had been
>working) by the following statement:
>            transmitter = self.server_socket.accept() # blocks till
>something arrives
>where 'transmitter' is expected to be the usual 2-element tuple.
>Python-win32 mailing list

Jens B. Jorgensen