[python-win32] RE: C extension class wrapping and sequence
questions [Jens]
Mark English
Mark.English at liffe.com
Mon Dec 8 11:44:49 EST 2003
RE: Jens' message
I'll bang on about this a bit more...
>> If you have some system that auto-generates C++ how hard would it be
>> get that same code to generate a Python extension written in C++?
>> might be the best solution of all!
The data part is autogenerated. I want to be able to build that up in
Python, then pass the relatively unintelligent structures built in
Python to C++ code that can make use of them. I can only autogenerate
the message/record structures, but the good news is that they're
relatively unintelligent. Just a series of structs with some C++ on top
(get/set methods etc.), some containing instances of others.
I agree with your analysis, and I'm currently looking into the thin
Python wrapper approach, where the Python instances just bolt on top of
a C++ pointer (although typically they will own the lifetime of the C++
pointer - at least for now). Much like the CWnd wrappers in win32ui.
I thought about using the sequence methods you mentioned, but I'm also
looking into using the new subtyping introduced in 2.2. Need to find a
tutorial/example for this...
Unfortunately this is a side project and the learning curve is a little
steep, but it looks like I can subclass the python sequence type, and
possibly add some additional processing to get some of the functionality
I want.
Ultimately, however, the "owned array" or whatever you want to call it
may be a flawed (and therefore floored) idea. For example, if the array
sets its members by actually calling set methods in the owning message
it solves this problem:
> rec = PyRecords.Record()
> msg = PyMessages.MessageFoo()
> msg.arrayRec[2] = rec # Will actually delegate to "msg.SetRec(2, rec)"
I should have explained that some messages contain a fixed size array,
and an accompanying integer member saying how many elements of the array
are being used. E.g.
> msg.nRecs = 3 #Set the number of elements in the array being used by
this message
In other words, the C-code may restrict the array size to a fixed
maximum (e.g. 16), but at runtime the user can say they're only using
the first 3 elements of the array. Not pretty, but that's what there is.
Even further trickery would be required around the issue of ownership if
users wanted to do this:
> msg2 = PyMessages.MessageFoo()
> msg2.arrayRec = msg.arrayRef #Hmmmm
This last line would require a deep (sort of) copy of N elements of the
array, where N is the known total possible size of the array, or
preferably the run-time established number of array elements actually
being used. So I'll have to store the length being used (or at least
where to look it up) in the array wrapping class (in some cases). The
auto-generating parser knows where to look all this up, but it gets more
complex and unwieldy.
All I really wanted to show with all this is that the more I try to
introduce indirection and issues of ownership into a pseudo-sequence
class, the harder things become. The sort of thing that would be more
easily solved in Python than C I suspect...
P.S. I do appreciate the feedback though. It's an interesting problem
for a newbie like me
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