[python-win32] Re: win32pdhutil Processor Time always returns 99

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Mon Dec 15 11:34:08 EST 2003

>>Is there a way to use WMI (or something else) to track memory use? I
>>can't see a property that would do it but I could be missing

Here's a code snippet I cut off a small script I have, it uses ctypes to
print the changes in the process memory usage over time:

from ctypes import *

    _fields_ = [("cb", c_long),
                ("PageFaultCount", c_long),
                ("PeakWorkingSetSize", c_long),
                ("WorkingSetSize", c_long),
                ("QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage", c_long),
                ("QuotaPagedPoolUsage", c_long),
                ("QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage", c_long),
                ("QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage", c_long),
                ("PagefileUsage", c_long),
                ("PeakPagefileUsage", c_long)]
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(_PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
        self.cb = sizeof(self)

lastPagefileUsage = 0

def mem_counters():
    handle = windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess()
    if 0 == windll.psapi.GetProcessMemoryInfo(handle, byref(counters), sizeof(counters)):
        print FormatError()
    global lastPagefileUsage
    print "delta mem [kB]", (counters.PagefileUsage - lastPagefileUsage) / 1024.
    print "delta mem [B]", (counters.PagefileUsage - lastPagefileUsage)
    lastPagefileUsage = counters.PagefileUsage


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