[python-win32] Re: Problems installing Win32 for Python 2.3.2

Jim Vickroy Jim.Vickroy at noaa.gov
Tue Dec 30 15:18:46 EST 2003

George, I am not able to help with your problem, but I have Python 2.3.2 /
win32all-163 installed on both a Windows 2000 machine and a Windows XP
machine and it works fine.  I do not have access to a Windows 95 machine.

-- jv

unifoam at total.net wrote:

> I've encountered an error while trying to install win32all-163 for
> Python 2.3.2.
> I have been using Python 2.2 and win32all-148 without any problems ( I
> was using win32 for Access and CorelDraw applications).
> I installed Python 2.3.2 without problem: Idle was working, etc., but
> when I installed win32all-163, the following dialog error message box
> appeared near the end of the installation:
> -------------------------------------------------
> Completing Installation
> Error in installer script.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "...\Temp\FinishInstall.py", line 101, in ApplyEntryPoint
>           apply(ep, args)
> File "...\Temp\FinishInstall.py", line 82, in DoCompileAllAndRegisterCom
>           FindDuplicates(mod, dir)
> File "...\Temp\FinishInstall.py", line 143, in FindDuplicates
>           import win32api
> Import Error: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is
> not functioning.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Installation goes to completion but Double-clicking on Pythonwin.exe
> produces the following error message:
> -------------------------------------------------
> Python for Win32
> The application can not locate win32ui.pyd (or Python)(1157).
> One of the library files needed to run this application cannot be
> found.
> -------------------------------------------------
> What I want to know is if I'm missing a DLL somewhere?
> I have also removed Python 2.2 and win32all-148 and tried to install
> Python 2.3.2 and win32all-163 but the same error shows up. Once I remove
> Python 2.3.2 and win32all-163 and re-install Python 2.2 and
> win32all-148, everything works without problem.
> I have also tried to install win32all-153 and win32all-155, both causing
> the same error. I even tried to install
> ActivePython-2.3.2-232-win32-ix86.msi, but Pythonwin would not work.
> When installing win32all-163, the following dll's appear in
> ...\Windows\System\
> PythonCOM23.dll  version
> PyWinTypes23.dll version
> I'm currently using Windows95 and I'm wondering if the latest versions
> of win32 require an upgraded dll (or operating system?) which I'm not
> aware of.
> Any suggestions would be helpful, otherwise, I'll have to stick with
> Python 2.2 / win32all-148.
> George Vestergom
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