[python-win32] _winreg.EnumValue, etc.

Martin Katz mkatz@tapstone.com
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 13:31:24 -0800

We are trying to read all of the data under specific registry keys. 
Unfortunately, we cannot seem to enumerate keys or values correctly if 
the name contains Unicode or binary characters.

_winreg.EnumValue, _winreg.EnumKey, win32api.RegEnumValue, and 
win32api.RegEnumKey all seem to return an ascii-ized version of data 
instead of just returning a string that contains the correct bytes.

Has anybody written a version of these in Python that can deal with 
arbitrary names?

By the way, it looks like the characters in a registry value name can 
have any 16 bit value except the char(0). The registry key names also 
cannot contain a backslash.

Martin Katz