[python-win32] GUI Rad for Python win32

Mark Hammond mhammond at keypoint.com.au
Fri Apr 2 21:30:34 EST 2004

The SpamBayes project developed a cool ".rc" parser, which it uses for
dialogs and bitmaps.  I'm stealing this code for win32all, and it will be in
the next version.

The basic idea is that you use MSVC (or any other dialog editor that can
creates Windows .rc files), and use the resources directly from this .rc
file.  There is no need to compile these resources to a .dll - just supply
the MSVC generated .rc file.  There is also an option to generate a .py file
from the .rc file, useful in py2exe type applications.

While SpamBayes doesn't provide a true RAD solution, it does have a fairly
generic dialog system.  All configuration variables have basic metadata
(such as the data-type, help-text, etc), and the dialog system uses a map of
control_id->option_id to deliver a system where new configuration variables
or dialogs require almost no code.  If anyone is interested in checking it
out, let me know, and I will point out the specific SpamBayes source files
worth looking at.


-----Original Message-----
From: python-win32-bounces at python.org
[mailto:python-win32-bounces at python.org]On Behalf Of Somesh Bartakke
Sent: Friday, 2 April 2004 8:42 PM
To: python-win32 at python.org
Subject: [python-win32] GUI Rad for Python win32

can n e on esuggest best way to develope Rapid Applications with
for windows platform ?

Somesh Bartakke
Q-Soft Pvt Ltd,Pune.

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