[python-win32] GUI Rad for Python win32

Somesh Bartakke somesh at qviqsoft.com
Tue Apr 6 00:29:47 EDT 2004

> In order to create a menu you have to have a SDI or MDI application with a
> mainframe.  You cannot have a generalized menu in a simple dialog box (at
> least not using the standard menu system)  I use the technique I described

in VC++ dialog we can attach menu thru property dialog , is it ?i attached
it to mydialogue box even when am using it with exe prog it worx fine

> If you are really new to win32 programming I would probably go the visual
> basic route to build your GUI.  Then develop COM objects in python that
> visual basic GUI can access.  Again, Mark and Andy's book shows you how to
> do this.
at present i dont have copy of this book, may get within 15 days, can you
send me sample app with VB proj etc with a single form ? plz ..

Q-Soft Pvt Ltd, Pune-India

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