[python-win32] Deploying COM

Somesh Bartakke somesh at qviqsoft.com
Wed Apr 7 03:36:01 EDT 2004

> Have you seen the sample chapters online for Mark and Andy's book.  You
> should be able to use Chapter 12 to get you going on the COM link with VB.
> I do not have VB and so I have never actually created a GUI in VB and
> it with python in this way.  Chapter 20 shows you how to do it the way
> I described earlier.  I recommend you still buy the book though.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pythonwin32/chapter/index.html

Thanx kelly,
i gone thru sample lesson on COM,
i never think that "COM should be as eazy as Mark made it thru Python"
1- ce again thanX to Mark and Python,
i wanna know how to deploye my script with py2exe ? how it will self
register when frozen with py2exe ?
for example i write script "mycom.py" which also contains self reg code.

i write setup.py with the help of Thomas Hellers py2exe pkg as following :

#setup.py started
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

i got ditro package in directory 'dist', my que is weather i wrote Right
script ? and how my COM will get register with system ? for that i have to
provide extra code ? plz guide me .

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