[python-win32] win32 installation problems

fjm11 at gmx.de fjm11 at gmx.de
Fri Apr 16 07:22:28 EDT 2004

Hi everyone,

I have Py2.3.3 installed on (shared) drive N: and now have problems
installing with pywin32-200.win32-py2.3.exe:
It installs OK up to 'Please wait while running postinstall script', then
pops up 'Error: freopen stderr', followed (after OK) by 'Error: freopen
stdout'.  A subsequent OK causes an access violation.

After some experiments I got Pythonwin.exe to run by adding:
   N:\....\Python23\Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32 to my PATH, and
   a win32.pth file to site-packages with following content:

But there's probably more broken, and I prefer a clean installation ;)
Any ideas?

For Info: I previously had ActivePython2.3.2 on my sys, but believe to have
removed it successfully and completely.


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