[python-win32] Re: Desire information about Invoke and InvokeTypes

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Wed Apr 21 09:16:41 EDT 2004

"Mark Hammond" <mhammond at skippinet.com.au> writes:

>> explicit is better than..., but I may not be the VB way.
> too true :)
>> It seems CDispatch exposes the default method/property via
>> the __call__
>> mechanism, which is fine.  I'm only wondering why __str__ and __int__
>> try to use it also.
>> Anyway, the whole Dispatch stuff seems to do a lot of guesswork
>> internally.
>> Probably a lot of (my?) confusion has to do with the fact that VB
>> doesn't separate properties and methods.
> Exactly.  Sometimes, the default "thingy" is a method, sometimes a property.
> Sometimes it wants args (eg, collections), sometimes it doesn't.  As you
> mention, VB's legacy, including abominations as "properties with args",
> leaves us with something that is very difficult to understand, and
> impossible to judge as "right" or "wrong" - everything just seems "could be
> better" ;)

Ok.  Please allow one final (hopefully!) question:
What's the way JScript takes?


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