[python-win32] Simple scintilla example

Niki Spahiev niki at vintech.bg
Wed Aug 4 12:24:30 CEST 2004

Martin DeMello wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to get a simple program running to open a new scintilla
> window. Here's what I tried:
>>>>import win32ui
>>>>template = pywin.mfc.docview.DocTemplate(None)
>>>>doc = pywin.scintilla.document.CScintillaDocument(template)
>>>>view = pywin.scintilla.view.CScintillaView(doc)
>>>>fr = win32ui.GetMainFrame()
> Which appeared to do something (at least, the interpreter didn't
> complain), but then I got stuck trying to display the view. Any
> pointers?

Your script has no windows message loop. Try running pythonwin /app 
script, but first get patch about /app from sourceforge.

Niki Spahiev

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