[python-win32] problem with detecting when another app finished

Bartek Bargiel bartek.b at eranet.pl
Wed Aug 11 09:13:05 CEST 2004


I've got a problem with detection of the moment when the chosen
application was closed. There are some apps whose .exe files are only
'constructors' for the main app (such as Microsoft Word). Is there a
way to 'catch'&spy them?

My solutions which failed:

1. Starting the app with help of win32process - it doesn't work - reasons mentioned in
first paragraph above

2. Acquiring a lock on the file being edited in a loop; if it's
possible, it means the app has already finished. Well, it works often
but not ALWAYS. It may happen (moreover: it DOES HAPPEN) that my
application acquires a lock before MS Word which is then unable to
open the file.

3. Taking a look at app's windows' titles. I thought that was good.
But from to time my app crashed and I couldn't find out why. :-(

Any suggestions, any ideas?

Bartek Bargiel  

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