[python-win32] Re: wmi + pythonservice : multithreading issues

Jens B. Jorgensen jens.jorgensen at tallan.com
Thu Aug 19 17:24:53 CEST 2004

Aloys Baillet wrote:

> Hello,
> I just downloaded your pyRegistry module (BTW I don't have read access 
> to the v1.0.4, only the v1.0.3).

Crap, I always forget something. This is now fixed. (I really have to 
write a script to upload new versions.)

> And I would accept gracefully if you have some code with performance 
> data retrieving to send to me...
> For the moment I retrieve CPU data with win32pdh and win32pdhutil, and 
> I use ctypes to retrieve memory usage (performance data seem to not 
> provide total physical memory).
> And now I would like to unify the methods... pyRegistry could help me 
> a lot!

Ok, for whatever reason at the moment I can't find this module I had 
called PerfData that did the parsing. I'm still looking though, I'll let 
you know. Hopefully I still have this as I seem to remember putting a 
fair amount of work into it.

> Thank you very much,
> Aloys
> Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
>> I should throw in here that yet another way to get the perfmon 
>> counters is to go to the "source". You get the raw data through a 
>> registry interface. The main challenge is that the registry data you 
>> get is variable-length and doesn't work like other registry data. 
>> However, it is for just these reasons that I wrote pyRegistry. In 
>> this case you'll need to parse out the data yourself (it's a C struct 
>> kinda) but if you're interested in giving this a try I can supply you 
>> with some code to use. Email me if you're interested. With this 
>> methodology you will also compute the values yourself but this is the 
>> most low-level means of getting the data possible. If you're 
>> interested in this module you can look at the information on 
>> www.python.org/pypi
>> Aloys Baillet wrote:
>>> Thank you very much, Mark.
>>> And actually I plan to buy the book very soon : its the last 
>>> Python-related book we don't have...;)
>>> Regarding my multi-threading issue, I am sure that it can be 
>>> workarounded, but unfortunately I don't have the enough time at the 
>>> moment.
>>> Thank you again, and best regards,
>>> Mark Hammond wrote:
>>>>> I'm glad other's have responded re WMI
>>>> Oops - I meant "re PDH"
>>>> Mark.
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Jens B. Jorgensen
jens.jorgensen at tallan.com

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