[python-win32] Using win32 Function GetMenuItemInfo

Fabricio Guzman fguzman_slotown at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 20 01:10:50 CEST 2004

Caution: I'm as newbeeish as they come, read at your
own risk :-)

I'm trying to use the win32 function GetMenuItemInfo. 
How do I set up the fourth argument in this function. 
The documentation says the fourth argument should be
"A string or buffer in the format of a MENUITEMINFO

I don't know what this means.  Here's what I've tried
to no avail:
buff = 'MyString'
win32gui.GetMenuItemInfo(131917, 0, 57600, buff)

This gives me the following error message:
TypeError: Cannot use string as modifiable buffer

Thanks in advance,

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