[python-win32] timers?

Jeff Peery jeffpeery at seametrics.com
Wed Dec 1 22:12:21 CET 2004

Thanks, Steve, although I did a quick google with not much luck, what is
PumpWaitingMessage()... all I know is that it has something to do with
Com... is this a python module?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Holden [mailto:steve at holdenweb.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 12:33 PM
To: Jeff Peery
Cc: python-win32 at python.org
Subject: Re: [python-win32] timers?

Jeff Peery wrote:
>   Hello, I am using a timer for a windows application. I don't 
> understand the functioning of the timer. For the button below when I 
> press it I expect the first two messages to appear in the text field, 
> then wait 3 seconds, then another message appears. However when I push

> the button there is the three second delay first, and then all three 
> messages appear. Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Jeff
>   def OnButton(self, event):
>         self.go = TRUE
>         #message 1       
>         self.TextField.SetValue("Monitor Initiated\n%s" 
> %self.TextField.GetValue())
>         #get the size of the file
>         self.fileSize = int(stat(self.textCtrl1.GetValue())[6])
>         #while self.go:
>         #message 2
>         self.TextField.SetValue("Monitor Sleeping\n%s" 
> %self.TextField.GetValue())
>         #start the timer
>         sleep(const_checkTime)
>         #message 3
>         self.TextField.SetValue("Checking File Size\n%s" 
> %self.TextField.GetValue())

Yes. This is happening because you are sleeping inside the event 
handler, and so the window manager isn't getting control back to repaint

the screen.

I suspect, but cannot guarantee, that a PumpWaitingMessage() call before

the sleep might bring your display up to date.

Holden Web LLC +1 800 494 3119

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