[python-win32] Re: upgrading to python 2.4

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Thu Dec 9 19:00:59 CET 2004

Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> writes:

> On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 15:33:34 -0800, "Charlie Taylor"
> <charlie at ezweave.com> wrote:
>>Is there a good reference to the steps that should be taken to upgrade a
>>Windows machine to the next version of python?
>>My journey from 2.2 to 2.3 was very knicker-twisting.  I'm hoping for more
>>of a controlled landing on 2.4.
> You can't upgrade.  You have to throw out the old and start over.
> That's true any time the second digit changes.

I cannot understand why virtually everyone insists to remove 2.3 before
installing 2.4.  I have even more Python versions (on Windows) installed
at the same time, and I use batch scripts named py23.bat, py24.bat, and
to on to select the one to run my scripts.

This way I can develop with 2.4 (or even CVS), and deploy using 2.3.


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