[python-win32] Re: how to run python in background on Windows ?

David Rock david at graniteweb.com
Sat Jun 5 13:06:55 EDT 2004

* Michael Li <mli at deform.com> [2004-06-04 13:54]:
> Hi, Larry:
> Thank you very much.
> My python scripts not only run on Windows, but also
> run on Unix. If I run my python scripts in DOS window,
> I don't have any problems. I can leave the DOS window
> open 24x7, but this is not the right way. I want my python
> program running in background 24x7.
> If I run it in service mode, I got problems.
> The problems are :
> 1. I can not run my python program as 24X7 after reboot/login/
>    logout.
> 2. My python program behaves differently between running in DOS window
>    and running in service mode.

If you install the service, it should run regardless of anyone being
logged in or not. If it isn't, something is wrong. As for behaving
differently running in a command window or running as a service, that's
not surprising. The environments are pretty different. It sounds like
you are trying to test in a command window and then run as a service,
that won't work very well. If you want to test the service, you have to
run it AS a service while testing.

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com
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