[python-win32] win32com: How to Dispatch a Word document

Tony Cappellini tony at tcapp.com
Tue Nov 2 17:17:55 CET 2004

 >>I think Pythonwin will autocomplete after you type doc. if you have run
 >>MakePy on Word.

I've found that PythonWin doesn't always auto complete even after running 
Makepy, not necessarily just with Word though.

This is one of the confusing aspects of using COM- even with autocomplete, 
when a method, constant or other attribute doesn't show up after you type 
the trailing '.' after an object name.

Knowledge of the the object hierarchy is absolutely essential to do any COM 
programming, but still I've found myself following the hierarchy charts and 
not always seeing the same attributes in PythonWIn as in the hierarchy 
charts, and vice versa.
It can be very maddening at times.

The hierarchy charts can be found online at Microsoft under the MSDN, but I 
dont have the exact path at the moment.

Thanks for the tip on the Oreilly book!

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