[python-win32] (no subject)

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Fri Nov 12 15:44:23 CET 2004

| Hello,
| In order to automatically update our NT service, we need to transfert
| some files or a zipped file from the server to the clients.
| My idea is to create a function that launches an other program which
| would stop the service, update it and start it.
| Have somebody already done that sort of update ? What's the 
| best way to
| transfert files ?

I haven't done this myself, but it looks like a case for WMI.
Maybe something like the following (completely untested):


import wmi
import win32file

clients = ["W001", "W002", "W003"]

for client in clients:
  c = wmi.WMI (client)
  for s in c.Win32_Service (Name='MyService'):
    s.StopService () # or PauseService etc.
    # Use whatever method to copy the file, eg
    win32file.CopyFile ("info.dat", r"\\%s\share\info.dat" % client)
    s.StartService () # or ResumeService etc.

  print client, "updated successfully"


Obviously, this is the barebones framework; you need exception
checking, possibly threads depending on how many clients you
have etc.

As to what file transfer is best, I'd use a straight Win32 copy
unless you had some performance or security-related reason not
to. Then you could look in to ssh-based methods (scp, sftp, whatever)
but there tend to be fewer implementations of these in Win32.


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