[python-win32] Monitoring the Event Log

Jan Van Uytven (Wyvern) wyvernlist at crm3.com
Wed Nov 17 20:25:19 CET 2004


I have a RAID array on a server whose driver posts an event to the
System Event Log when there's a change in the status of the array. I
could just buy an event log monitor that will send me e-mail when that
happens but I was wondering: Could I write a Python service to monitor
the event log? 

I have Mark Hammond's excellent book, and with it's help the service  &
e-mailing itself shouldn't be a problem, but I'd appreciate advice on
the best way to monitor the log. Is there any way for the service to
register itself somehow so it gets notified whenever an event gets
posted to the log? Failing that, can the service use the windows
scheduler to search the log every hour on the hour? Or is there a much
easier way I'm not seeing?


Jan Van Uytven
Computer Systems & Network Engineer
Convergent Media Network
wyvern at crm3.com

Randomly selected from my quote-file:

"Without warning came those deep, cracked,
 raucous vocal sounds which will never leave the
 memory of the stricken group who heard them.
 Not from any human throat were they born, for
 the organs of Man can yield no such acoustic
	-"The Call of Cthulhu"

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