[python-win32] Can't import wmi in scripts run by nrpe_nt

Wyvern List wyvernlist at crm3.com
Tue Oct 26 01:29:46 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I'm having a curious problem and was wondering if anyone might have some

As a bit of background, nrpe_nt is a Nagios (www.nagios.org) addon. It
is a service that runs on Windows machines and allows nagios to execute
arbitrary scripts on that machine using the check_nrpe plugin.

When nagios calls nrpe_nt on a remote machine with a specific command to
execute, the nrpe_nt service maps the nagios command to a specific
command to be executed on the windows box. for example nrpe_nt might
have a definition to map the nagios command 'check_disk' to a command
such as "C:\Python23\python.exe C:\NRPE_NT\bin\DiskFree.py"

The aforementioned DiskFree.py is a simple python script I nabbed from
Tim Golden's "WMI Cookbook" that uses the wmi module. It works like a
charm when called locally, but when called by nrpe_nt the script bombs
out with the non-helpful message:

tombstone libexec # ./check_nrpe -H xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -c check_python
Traceback (most recent call last):

I checked sys.path - it printed out the correct locations when run by
nrpe_nt. I tried using the imp module to do some more debugging, and
found that python could find the wmi module, but it bombed when I tried
to load it using load_module.

I tried it with ActivePython but got the same problem. Could this be
related to the WMI multithreading issue?



Jan Van Uytven
Computer Systems & Network Engineer
Convergent Media Network
wyvern at crm3.com

Randomly selected from my quote-file:

"I smell blood and an
           era of prominent madmen."
                     -W.H. Auden

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