[python-win32] Hidden CLI
Lewis Franklin
lewis.franklin at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 21:29:30 CEST 2004
I like your idea (I'm modifying code that someone else wrote and they
apparantly liked curl). However, I was wondering if that works with a
secure connection. I'm actually accessing https://www.example.com. I
should have put that earlier, but missed the 's'. The information in
the module reference was cryptic to me.
My apologies to the win32 thread as well, since most of this
discussion has in actuality had little to do with Windows API.
On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:08:28 -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen
<jens.jorgensen at tallan.com> wrote:
> I have heard it said that it's possible to get a console window to run
> minimized. I haven't tried it myself but this is probably your best bet.
> To my knowledge I have not heard of a way to get it not to show up at all.
> However, noticing that all your doing is running curl instead I'm
> wondering why you're bothering to run curl at all? Can you not do the
> same with:
> import urllib
> f = open('setup.bat', 'wt')
> httpf = urllib.urlopen('http://www.example.org?a=user^&b=pass')
> f.write(httpf.read())
> That'd be less overhead than spawning an external program anyway!
> Lewis Franklin wrote:
> >My question is probably simple to those who have been programming in
> >Windows for some time, but I am having a difficult time with a
> >'simple' problem.
> >
> >I have written a program that consists simply of three buttons (using
> >wxPython). Clicking one of those buttons triggers an event where curl
> >is executed and the information returned is stored into a file. The
> >command is simply:
> >
> >curl http://www.example.org?a=user^&b=pass -o setup.bat
> >
> >I can run this command without any problem. However, the 'problem'
> >that arises is that while curl is being run a Command Prompt appears.
> >Since this app is for techno-phobes and can only imagine how much
> >several windows opening and closing on their own would freak them out,
> >I am trying to keep the user from seeing this window. I was wondering
> >if there was a way to run the command without having it open a Command
> >Prompt.
> >
> >I hope that I have been clear enough in stating my question and
> >situation. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer.
> >Being new to Python on Windows I need help with what may seem a small
> >task to others.
> >
> >Lewis
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> --
> Jens B. Jorgensen
> jens.jorgensen at tallan.com
> "With a focused commitment to our clients and our people, we deliver value through customized technology solutions"
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