[python-win32] Re: How to determine whether program runningasservice?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sat Sep 11 01:56:44 CEST 2004

> I'm not sure I really understand, and don't have time too
> look into the
> code right now.
> Would it be possible with these changes to have code like this at the
> end of py2exe's boot_service.py:
> """
> if launched_as_service:
>     servicemanager.StartServiceControlDispatcher()
> """
> so that the StartServiceControlDispatcher is not called when
> the service
> exe is started manually by the user?

I don't understand what you are asking - even when manually started by the
user, we need to register with the SCM.  The only exception is when we are
debugging, when we don't make that call.


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