[python-win32] Re: Retreive paper width from printer

Roger Upole rwupole at msn.com
Thu Aug 25 04:10:59 CEST 2005

You should be able to get that info from the DEVMODE returned
by win32print.GetPrinter using level 2.  Depending on how your
printer driver handles paper settings, look at either FormName, 
PaperSize, DefaultSource, or PaperLength and PaperWidth.

Many printers also have an option to hold jobs if the paper specified
doesn't match the currently mounted form.  (but again this is highly
dependent on the printer driver)


> Is it possible to retrieve the paper width from a printer?
> To be more specific, I have a Savin 2400WD (wide format printer). It is
> used for printing blueprints. This printer holds two (2) 500' rolls of
> paper. On the two (2) rolls, there could be any two (2) combinations of
> the following sizes (widths) >>> 24", 30" or 36".
> I'd like to be able to retrieve which two (2) paper sizes are
> currently loaded (before I send a print job to it).
> I've made a program using Python and the Windows extensions to print out
> the blueprints (and that works great), but if the wrong size paper is in
> the machine (when I send a job in) it's obviously not so great :-(
> Does anyone know if it's possible to get this info?
> I'm using:
> Windows 2000 Pro & XP Pro
> Python 2.4
> Pywin32 Build 204
> Thanks,
> Bill

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