[python-win32] Massive Speedup py 2.3 -> 2.4 with COM

Massa, Harald harald.massa at suedvers.de
Tue Feb 22 11:37:27 CET 2005

 I have deployed an application doing massive data transfers to excel.

Lately I updated to python 2.4 and all fitting libs, had the hurts
with win32com.client makepy and mbcs, which is quite documented now.

after using the fix most worked good.

Now: there are reports of MASSIVE speedups.

I know about the improvements within Python; esp. with List processing
etc. BUT--- this application has 2 areas of speed challenges

a) getting data from the database (IO, server query time)
b) !important: transfer of the data to excel via COM-Interface

The usual tricks are applied (using early bound COM, transfering data
in Bulk blocks etc. etc.)

And now that speedup.

Was there anything changed within doing the COM-transfer? Is it
because of the removed MBCS-Encoding within genpy?

(I am lucky about the massive speedup, but ... would really like to
know its origin, to be sure it is not sth going wrong)


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