[python-win32] Greetings and win32 com events question

Robert Kaplan belovedbob at greennet.net
Wed Jan 26 17:42:59 CET 2005


I'm new to the mailing, so greetings all!

I'm working on an application try to respond to events in Microsoft 
Access using Python and win32com.  However, I'm having trouble in 
setting up the event handlers.  I can think of 2 approaches both of 
which yield win32com errors.

First is the approach used the MSOfficeEvents.py test program.  The 
problem is that the events to be picked up are not on the Application 
object but on a Form object created from it.

class   AccessEvents
    def OnActivate(self):
        print "Hello from Access"
        return 1

        self. ac = Dispatch ("Access.Application")
        self. db = self. ac. NewCurrentDatabase ("d:\\pyhack\\foo")
        self. fm = self. ac. CreateForm ()
        self. ac. Visible = true
        self. fm = DispatchWithEvents (self. fm, AcEvents)

blows out with

    self. fm = DispatchWithEvents (self. fm, AcEvents)
  File "D:\PYTHON22\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py", line 
258, in
    clsid = disp_class.CLSID
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'CLSID'.

I also tried a variety of string arguments, but all of those also 
yielded an invalid class id error.

The other approach is more Visual Basic like:

        self. ac = Dispatch ("Access.Application")
        self. db = self. ac. NewCurrentDatabase ("d:\\pyhack\\foo")
        self. fm = self. ac. CreateForm ()
        self. ac. Visible = true
        self. ev = AcEvents ()
        self. fm. OnActivate = self. ev. OnActivate

this couldn't set the OnActivate attribute with the following error.

  File "D:\pyhack\1\Bob.py", line 132, in DoAccess
    self. fm. OnActivate = self. ev. OnActivate
  File "D:\PYTHON22\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py", line 
503, in
    d.__setattr__(attr, value)
  File "D:\PYTHON22\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py", line 
463, in
    self._oleobj_.Invoke(*(args + (value,) + defArgs))
TypeError: Objects of type 'instance method' can not be converted to a 

Anyone know how to do this, either strategy is fine.


Robert Kaplan

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