[python-win32] import and asp-python and iis - strange behaviour

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Tue Jun 7 03:39:51 CEST 2005

Simon Hook wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use import in an asp python page. If I have:
> <%@ LANGUAGE = Python%>
> <%
> import myfile
> %>
> Then myfile can only be found if its in the root of the python install 
> directory, e.g.
> c:\python23
> and only if the file is called myfile.py and it contains python NOT asp 
> code. If I have some python code and it is loaded by a webpage, if I 
> make any changes to the code in myfile.py the changes do not come into 
> effect unless I reboot my machine. I tried start/stop/start iis but that 
> has no effect, I tried open/close/open and I tried the python reload() 
> command. None of these had any effect.
Technically it will be found if the corresponding .py or .pyc is in any 
of the directories (or other importers) on sys.path.

> The only way I could get an asp-python file included was to use the asp 
> include:
> <!--#include file="dumpform.asp"-->
This is correct.

> How can I get asp to pull python code from another directory and how can 
> I make a change and not have to reboot for the change to be invoked? Can 
> I use import with an asp page?
Well, obviously with #include you could include a path in the file="..." 
or virtual="..." string.

You will need to ensure that sys.path contains an appropriate directory 
to find modules you wan to import. Since you want to use "import" the 
files must be pure Python, you can't import .ASP pages (but, as you have 
discovered, you can include them).

IIRC I did some experiments that showed me that under suitable 
circumstances the Python interpreter will see an updated module after an 
ASP page performs a reload() of the required module.


> Many thanks Simon
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Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC             http://www.holdenweb.com/
Python Web Programming  http://pydish.holdenweb.com/

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