[python-win32] Editor Replace function limitation

Robert Adams radams at nassco.com
Thu Jun 9 00:50:14 CEST 2005

Thanks for both your input on this.

I can recreate the problem as follows:

Create a script file with the following,
Cut/paste into the "Find What" window, I then only get
12345678901234567890123456, that is 26 characters not 30, so I obviously can
not count either.
Enter var_x, including a space after x into the "Replace with" window, then
hit replace.

And I end up with var_x 7890123456789

Also, if I keep typing my window does not scroll as you describe.

I am running the following, Python 2.3.3, wxPython, PythonWin 2.3.3
win32all build 163, and FYI, I am forced to run this version in support of
CAD system.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Machin [mailto:sjmachin at lexicon.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 2:45 PM
To: Graeme Glass; Robert Adams
Cc: python-win32
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Editor Replace function limitation

Graeme Glass wrote:

>On python 2.3.4 pythonwin build 203, i don't seem to have a problem.
>can replace much more than 30 chars.
>Not sure what your problem could be, but just thought that i would let
>you know it's must your setup not pythonwin.
Graeme, what "setup" do you refer to? PythonWin appears to have no 
configuration opportunity for changing the max size of a text 
replacement -- and indeed I can't imagine that any text editor would 
ever have had such an option, especially after malloc() was invented ...

>(you proberbly already tried this,) but try installing the a diffrent
>On 6/8/05, Robert Adams <radams at nassco.com> wrote:
>>Do I have a setup issue or is the PythonWin editor Replace function
>>to 30 characters ? 

It worked for me on 2.4.1 / build 204. I typed in "abc" then replaced 
"b" by "ab....yzAB...JK".

The size of the box for typing in the replacement string is only 30 
characters, but it does scroll if you keep on typing -- have you tried 
this? What makes you think it is limited to 30 characters?


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